Essence Wisdom

Essences can be used for personal healing, growth, transformation, or simply for inspiration and contemplation.

Essences deliver a specific set of frequencies to your being. When you take an essence, the frequencies of your bodies will naturally try to match the frequencies of the essence. This happens in your physical, emotional, energetic, and etheric bodies. All aspects of you are available for shifting.

As your being shifts to meet or match the frequencies of the essence, the subconscious blocks that prevent that entrainment will become known to you. This can sometimes be an uncomfortable process, but it’s liberating and effective. When you can see it, you can work with it, and that is how the healing happens. The subconscious becomes conscious and we can move forward with clarity. Essences reveal to heal.

Essences are usually taken orally, a few drops under the tongue, or in water. You can even put them in bath water or your diffuser. Any way you take water in, you can take essences in. They are preserved with a locally made applejack liquor, so they do contain a small amount of alcohol.

Custom Essences

Working with a single essence at a time has profound effects, and so does working with a custom formula designed just for you in this moment in time.

The formula is determined by frequency attunement. When I have your permission to formulate on your behalf, I set up a small ceremony in which I can assess the resonance between you and each essence in my collection. Using my pendulum, I allow the essences to let me know which ones are ideal for you in this moment. This system is simple yet sophisticated, and it eliminates our mutual filters of intellect and opinion, allowing the frequencies to speak for themselves. The results are always aligned, and I have seen beautiful healing happen through this method for years.

These formulas are both therapeutic and diagnostic/oracular. This resonance method allows the essences to point out what most needs attention, and their wisdom is poignant.

A custom formula may contain:

  • a clarity or protection essence that preserves and supports the integrity of your energy field, giving you a safe space inside which true healing, growth, transformation and liberation can occur

  • a tree essence that provides stability so you have a strong and stable foundation for your process

  • a plant or flower essence that provides the blueprint for transformative healing action

  • a land or lineage essence that provides the blueprint of healing epitomized not by a plant, but by another energetic entity such as a land mass, geometrical shape, an ascended master, concept or tradition

Your custom formula will come in a half-ounce bottle. I will send along a formula writeup that describes the medicine of each essence, as well as instructions for use. I recommend journalling or maintaining awareness of what is happening in your world and how it may relate to the medicine of the essences in your formula. As soon as your formula is established, you may start to feel them working with you, even if you haven’t received your bottle yet.

Essence Subscription

Monthly payments of $22 or a yearly payment of $244 gets you a new custom formula every eight weeks and a complementary full subscription to Essence Wisdom Substack.

Essence Wisdom Oracle Reading

In the last six years I have collected more than 75 essences and synthesized their individual wisdom teachings. I have now begun to develop an oracle deck with the teachings of the essences, which I use for readings. If you are interested in wisdom, insight, and guidance from the plants and essences but not interested in taking an essence physically, a reading is a beautiful way to connect with the wisdom.

I offer recorded audio readings ($28, delivered by email), live video chat readings ($70, 30-mins on zoom), and readings can also be integrated into healing sessions. Please use the connect form to request or schedule your reading and pay via venmo.